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Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Main Entry:
Part of Speech:adjective
Definition:sinful, immoral
Synonyms:angryatrociousbadbaneful, basebeastly,calamitouscorruptdamnable, depraved,destructivedisastrousexecrableflagitious,foulharmfulhatefulheinoushideous,iniquitousinjurious, loathsomelowmaleficent,malevolentmaliciousmalignantnefariousnogood, obsceneoffensiveperniciouspoison,rancorous, reprobaterepugnantrepulsive,revoltingspitefulstinking, uglyunpleasant,unpropitious, viciousvilevillainous, wicked,wrathful, wrong

Judging by the amount of synonyms for the word...can we agree that we are more so one or the other.Man in and of himself is a delightfully EVIL creature. Should we embrace it and use it to advance ourselves ruthlessly? DO SOMETHING THAT SIMPLE we would still fuck it up and be unable to work together.  The same can be said when banning together for a "GOOD CAUSE".can you in turn justify doing a little bad for a good cause, or doing a lot of good for sinister reasons?

Love and happiness

Take a moment and read these lyrics

Love and happinessSomething that can, make you do wrongMake you do right, love
Love and happinessWait a minute something's going wrongSomeone's on the phoneThree o'clock in the morning
Talkin' about, how she can make it rightWell, happiness is whenYou really feel good, about somebodyNothing wrong with being in love with someone
Oh baby, love and happiness(Love and happiness)Love and happiness(Love and happiness)
Love and happiness(Love and happiness)Love and happiness
You be good to meI'll be good to youWe'll be togetherWe'll see each otherWalk away with victory
Oh baby, love and happiness(Love and happiness)Love and happiness(Love and happiness)
Make you do right, love'll make you do wrongMake you come home earlyMake you stay out all night longThe power of love
Wait a minute, let me tell you, about the powerThe power of love, power, powerMake you do right, love'll make you do wrong
Love and happinessLove and happinessLove and happinessLove and happiness
Make you want to dance, love and happinessLove is, wait a minuteLove is, walkin' together, talkin' togetherSay it again, say it together [Incomprehensible]Copied from 

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Thought Provoking

The Conversation
(Question) Since the only evidence that we have of our own existence is sensory, and it is impossible to trust our senses, does it matter if our existence is real or only perceived?
(Answer) It doesn’t matter because first you need to define “real”. If your mind perceives something it appears to be real to you. If it is not perceived then perhaps it doesn’t exist after all. How do we ever know if what we see is just perceived in our minds or “real”? Our whole existence could be a thought.

(Question) For example, you live on a beautiful tropical island somewhere. You have no worries in the world whatsoever and life is wonderful. Would it matter if you found out that you, your real body, was locked up in some closet strapped to a virtual reality machine giving you a false perception of that life? (Matrix style)
(Answer) You could never find out unless you ended your perceived life because if you were to discover that you were in the virtual reality machine, it would be assumed that you really do exist in an alternate reality. Once that is discovered, than the life that you are living in the machine would end in theory. The whole idea behind the virtual reality machine is to enter an alternate reality with no memory of who you really are.

(Question) What really counts? The real truth of things, or the perception of reality that you have? Would you protest for actual reality if you were strapped in somewhere or go on living a blissful lie?
(Answer) If you are strapped in somewhere, that is your reality. I believe you would want to continue to live out the perceived reality because you can make it what ever you want it to be.

(Question) Would you want the Ultimate Truth or the Ultimate Happiness?
(Answer) I think I would like the Ultimate Truth. I keep searching for answers because I do not believe that our reality is real. I think we all live perceived realities. Now the question is, “Did I just enter your reality, or are you in mine”?

I didnt write this, but i thought it was worth sharing.  For more from this man follow

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Scars of your disease

How can you hurt me, me of all goddamn people. i gave myself completely to you, and asked for nothing in return.  fuck saving face, i abanded everything i worked so hard to build, tore it down brick by fucking brick, and all you have to say to me is sorry.  SORRY. let me help define that for you sweety.

adjective, -ri·er, -ri·est.
feeling regret, compunction, sympathy, pity, etc.: to be sorryto leave one's friends; to be sorry for a remark; to be sorry forsomeone in trouble.
regrettable or deplorable; unfortunate; tragic: a sorrysituation; to come to a sorry end.
sorrowful, grieved, or sad: Was she sorry when her brotherdied?
associated with sorrow; suggestive of grief or suffering;melancholydismal.
wretched, poor, useless, or pitiful: a sorry horse.

well im sorry, ill give you definition number fuckin five. useless, pitiful, garbage, GAHBAGE, throw some jersey at you.  even though im mad at you im even more so pissed at myself. going against everythin i believed, trading the words of beloved friends and trading it for a kiss from a cheap trick. you became my life and i gave mine up.  nuturing you and yours, silently becoming your pawn. I TOLD MY GUT TO SHUT THE FUCK UP EVERY GODDAMN NIGHT, AFTER EVERY KISS, AND EVEN WHILE FUCKING YOU. you know its bad when i have to force my cock to go along with the very deed.  after awhile he got STOCKHOLM SYNDROME.YOU KNOW, THE SHIT THAT HAPPENS WHEN THE VICTEMS OF KIDNAP BEGIN TO LOVE THEIR FUCKIN CAPTORS.  

You gave me hopes of new beginning, feeding me bullshit.  a life with you seeming so alluring.  everything that glitter aint gold, and gold, and the sun dont shine forever, love dont love forever and everything thats new gets old. call me crazy, ive been called worse by better people than you on my knees begging you not to leave, faulting myself. this hard head head definatly made a soft ass. questioning myself mad, you left me alone in the dark to find myself. the silence almost killed me.  every car door that slammed, i anticipated your arrival. like a lost child, better yet a dog whose owner is gone.  a walked from room to room, grieving, the life we built together suddenly gone.  everything that we were came into question. were you ever really WITH ME. or was i a way out for you.  im sorry if my grass wasnt greener, even though you fed me enough bull shit.  im sorry i couldnt always be an angel, if you stick around long enough youll see THE DEVIL .i showed you every face, i gave you a look into the beasts heart.

as ugly as i am on the inside, i can come to terms with that, and i have.  im assuming you couldnt deal with that, and it pushed you away. YOU LET ME IN, AND I ACCEPTED YOU WITH OPEN ARMS. EVERY DEMON, EVERY FAULT, PAST, PRESENT, AND THE FUCKING FUTURE.  

in all honesty, my hatered wants to tell you youre nothing. youre a used abused little skank, no self worth, no sense of reality, naive, lost, confused little girl.  lied TO, tricked, mistreated, little orphan annie without DADDY FUCKIN WARBUCKS, just the hard knock life.  chip on your fucking shoulder, eager to prove the world wrong.  why so eager? you cant erase the past, it makes us who we are. our trials and tribulations mold us, if you can positively keep the outlook. behind those hazel eyes and the carefree attitude, the love i have for you wants to hold the SCARED LITTLE GIRL. reassure her that everything will be alright.  give her the world and everything it has to offer.  sacrifice myself to build you up so YOU can conquer your demons and essentially conquer the world.  

The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it's indifference, hate in and of itself is an emotion, so to hate means you still care.  

AT THE END OF THE DAY, OUR ORDEAL HELPED ME GROW, IT STRIPPED AWAY MY EXTIOR AND TURNED MY INSIDES OUT. THE BLEEDING ON MY SHOULDER FOR ALL THE WORLD TO SEE.  THANK YOU.  AFTER ALL THE ShIT IVE DONE TO PEOPLE, FEELING LIKE A MONSTER, YOU SHOWED ME I CAN STILL CARE AND I THANK YOU.  THE BELLE TO MY BEAST. im such a fuckin optimistic fuck.  but i proved you all wrong, i lived to tell the story of the cunt that did me dirty.  fuck yourself, your the only worthy of your disease.  It feels so damn good to get this out and out of happy i took this shit.   

Funny Papers

Yes...some of us still buy newspapers...even if it is just for the comic strip.

Saturday, March 24, 2012


IN THOSE WORDS HE COMPREHENDED THE EXTENT OF HIS PLIGHT ON EVERY POSSIBLE LEVEL.  IT UNMERCIFULLY STRIPPED HIM OF HIS VERY SOUL AND HIS HUMANITY.  the light inside him, good and bad, was now off.  forced to wonder in eternal darkness.  how could he ever live with himself.  no longer in denial of annihilating a creature so pure and immacualte, he flew into a rage and ran, just as he had always done. craving to be united again for ever.  trying to leave himself behind, with her, in the attempt to flee he saw an elderly man dressed in black and before he had the chance to hide, the old man called out to him and made his way towards him. the sight of seeing an individual that lost caused him to speak. "if your running away from someone, i garauntee they wont hurt you here". "this is a place where loved ones meet again, children play forever, and no nightmares exist.  complete and total bliss" the old man placed his hand on his shoulder and looked into his eyes. emptiness, pain, but not hopelessness.  he knew the young mans  plight and explained to him that whatever drove him to this place was the verything that would save him and running will never solve his problems.  he conintued to embrace him.  "my wife and i were married 60 years until the day she passed and she remained completely devoted to me, for whatever reason dispite my ways. i lost everything we built and she remained loyal. i ran our children away with my drinking and steady stream of violence and abuse, and yet she remained loyal. she was forced to turn to our friends, family and neighbors when i would come home with every dime i made gone. while i danced and drank she was dying right before my eyes, and it wasnt until i came home and saw her lying helplessly on the floor that i realized how much she really meant to me.  i rushed her to the hospital and when she was able to speak the first thing she said was "im sorry".  i had no idea why she said it at the time and i couldnt completely wrap my head around it at the time.  a week later she was gone forever.  i held myself together making her burial arrangements, attending her wake and her funeral, but when i got home and felt her presence missing from my life, i wished i could have given her more than what she got. to this day, i cant bring myself to sleep in our bed at night, her photos haunting me as a constant reminder, just like the smile in each and everyone one of her pictures dwindled in the passing years, i felt myself fading. i decided to drink my pain away and spent the night wallowing in my own guilt and filth, she stole my heart without me ever knowing.  i left the bar drunk and when i started my car, our wedding song was being played and i remembered that day and how beautiful she looked.  she couldve chosen anyone but she chose a poor boy with nothing to offer her but dreams and empty, broken promises. it was then that i knew she was will be with me forever and forgave me." "ever since that day, i remember who she was and where she TOOK ME. she left her impression whether i knew it or not, and now that i do, i do all that i can to SHOW her, that although in life i wasnt the best person, that as she watches me, she can see how sorry i am, and hat maybe she will save me a seat next to her...or visit me in hell" there as a brief silence, and the old man, kissed him on the forhead and left him with these words, "hind sight is always 20/20, just be sure the look behind you and not let history repeat itself. she wanted you to be the man she knew you HAD THE POTENTIAL to become, nows your time to show her and seek forgiveness. she will give you a sign that she is with you, waiting on the other side." he wiped his tears and took a deep breath, taking in what was said to him, imagining if thats the life he wanted honestly would have wanted for her. it wasnt and he knew that she was forever bonded to him. just as he appeared, the old man was gone. he vanished before he could thank him, for opening his eyes but he was nowhere to be found.  making his way to the grave of the old mans wife, to see the woman that had endured it all, he couldnt believe his eyes...he saw that the wife was not alone in her grave...the old man had alson been dead.  their names shared on the head stone. a breeze blew by him and he felt a strange yet familiar feeling. as he walked away he was stopped by this force. his entire body was swallowed and he felt at ease and at peace.  he knew it was her.  she had given the ultimate sacrifice one could give to save him in the, herself. he looked down after the feeling had passed and saw engraved a nearby tree the words "LOVE WILL CONQUER ALL". WHEN THE WAR IS OVER, NO MATTER THE DETAILS OF ITS BEGINNING AND EVENTUAL END, ALL SURVIVORS WILL INEVITABLE BURY THEIR DEAD. EVERYTHING WE DO TODAY, REGARDLESS OF THE REASON, THE ACTIONS WILL ECHO THROUGHOUT, YOU WILL HEAR YOUR OWN VOICE AND LISTEN TO IT. HOW IT SOUNDS TO YOU AND MAKES YOU FEEL, IS HOW IT SOUNDS TO THE REST OF THE WORLD.

Her sword, his battle: 2

she rode into combat, with nothing more than her blade and sheer will, her cause was simple.  what makes the fight so sad yet beatiful is that through her slow deterioration, as she looked back and called unto him for help, she stepped back to carry his load. now overburded and unable to fight, he began to cause her to sink and the very foundation on which she stood on vanished and she fell.  the loss left her ravaged, unable to fight anymore she had been reduced to his level of dispear and having been completely drained  of her will to live, she became a casualty of his war.
the dirt was being shoveled nto her coffin, and as the dirt filled this hole and promised her everlasting peace, the sound echoed in his heart and soul.  he knew he was the reason ceased to exist. the reason she gave up on herself and he could never, for as long as he lived, forgive himself. the brutal realization brough him to tears, he wept silently, trembling, the sounds of his sorrow belowed throughout this place.

the priest read aloud calmy, "the good book asks why the human race was created as a single human being, as opposed to creating many people at once (like the animals which were created en mass? This teaches us that just as Adam was created in the beginning, and he was the entire human population of the world, likewise we need to look at each individual as if he/she were the entire population of the world. Therefore, when you save one life it is as if you saved the entire world."

Thursday, March 22, 2012

her sword, his battle

he watches her from a distance and analyzes he every move.  she was once his and through his own stupidity and neglect she was lost forever.  he was scarred, but he knew he left an invisible scar on her that would, perhaps, never heal.  through all his flaws she tenderly nurtured him with dreams of filling the void inside him.  doing whatever it took to keep him she even relinquished herself with her only purpose being to please him.  her only wish was that he loved her the way she loved him.
as he watched her, a rush of memories swarmed his head, engulfing his very being forcing him to physically cringe in disgust at his own actions.  in his mind he knew she was better off without him and a part of him realized he would never have the opportunity to make amends with himself and most of all her. he knew that losing her woke him up and him being away was somehow for the best.  subconsciously he may have purposely pushed her away but in its own way it brought her closer to him.  her need to fix him and solve the mystery was was him, and his overall disregard for her had bonded them.  she left when she realized he was hopeless, and he knew this.  it was this that woke him up.  knowing he had lost her he began the tear down every wall he had built and attempted to build a bridge to her, but she was gone for good.
she saw through the facade and bullshit, the person he portrayed himself to be and saw the man he was destined to be.  like a muse, she attempted to bring forth what he had hid for so long, even from himself.  she took all his abuse and used it as fuel for the burning desire to save him, but what he didn't realize was, he was slowly destroying her through his own self destruction. as the abuse poured and the light at the end of the tunnel began to seem further and further away, she continuously sought solace with this animal.  forcefully breaking herself and giving herself to him completely he demolished her.  she was now as tainted and bitter as he.  misery loves company.
only she knew what he was like behind close doors, once comparing him to a frightened child.  in his fits he cried on her shoulder and this gave her hope.  she knew that inside of him was so much pain and disappear and wanted nothing more than to free him of his demons and mental prison. she fought along side him in his war with himself and just as she thought it was over, he was back to his old ways, blindly switching sides slowly,.if her fight were to be described in an epic such as the Iliad, it would be of just as epic proportions. fighting with every ounce of energy she had, blocking the blows, advancing toward her enemy and just before she threw the final blow, it arose more vicious and powerful than before. it fed on what kept her going, her will to conquer HIS demons.  no matter how tired and weary she grew, she held her sword high and unrealistically charged her opponent, never truly conquering the beast.  and she knew this but carried on in hopes of his salvation. to be continued.....

Sunday, March 18, 2012


de·bauch·er·y   /dɪˈbɔtʃəri/ Show Spelled[dih-baw-chuh-ree] Show IPA
noun, plural -er·ies. 
1.       excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures; intemperance.
bender, binge, blowout, burning candle at both ends, bust, carousal, depravity, dissipation, dissoluteness, drunk*, excess, fast living, fornication, gluttony, incontinence, indulgence, intemperance, intimacy, la dolce vita, lasciviousness, lechery, lewdness, license, licentiousness, life in fast lane, lust, orgy, overindulgence, revel, revelry, seduction, sensuality, sybaritism, tear* 
benevolence, giving, mercifulness, unselfishness 
Nothing seemed more real to me up until this very moment.  Everything I had done was leading to this breaking point.  I stood at the bathroom sink, covered in my own puke, my eyes were bloodshot, nose bleeding, and it wasn’t until I made eye contact with MYSELF in the mirror that I realized I had had enough.
Prior to this I spent 15 months straight binge drinking and partying, I drank until I puked and then drank some more. I would pick someone from anywhere and set out on the hunt, I screwed anything with a pulse and fucked my way in and out of people’s lives. Even going as far as driving their husbands’ cars and bringing them back with no gas and smelling of cigarette smoke.  I did not give a rats ass.  And why should I have, I wasn’t going to deal with the consequences of HER actions.  I would date women only for them to find out I was fucking their friends and one time even a sister. I broke countless hearts, charming my way in and earning their trust, only to use them and toss them aside.  I hid everything about myself from them all, leaving my wallet in my car and only carrying a credit card, and never allowing them to see receipts with my name on them.  Not allowing too many of them to see my home, or even know my real name or my actual self. Promising them the world only to vanish without a trace. I always tried to avoid relationships but a part of me would fall for her.  Not truly wanting to hurt her, I knew deep down I eventually would. It seemed inevitable and no matter how much I fought with myself to avoid it and be a decent person, I always seemed to fuck it all up only to brush it off and allow the vicious cycle to continue.  It doesn’t help that Im a narcissist either.
To my friends I was a ghost, appearing only when the music was loud and the beer was cold, only to leave with a lady or 3 in toe, drunk, high, and happy.  To others I was an animal with no limits, slowly presenting my true self and leaving the former way behind. I had a rule; never shit where you sleep, and I methodically broke it.  I would cruise the streets, late into the night, find a random hole in the wall and begin.  The craving for all things pleasurable was strong, and the appetite only grew as did the price.  Little by little it broke me down and tore me apart.
It all began with a little curiosity in a strange new place.  Once I adapted to my surrounding, I began to explore.  With plenty of money in my pocket and a lust unlike any other, I set out.  I slowly stopped showing up at local parties on Friday nights, to returning to work Monday morning reeking of sex, cigarette smoke and booze.  I showered there and kept it moving.  After a little time I escalated to weekend trips further and further away just to find a new setting and even more adventure. 
My drinking had always been an “issue” with others.  I’ve never been an angry drunk but I had a tendency to flirt and charm my way into trouble. Once, while drunk of course, I slept with one of my bosses daughters…only to wake up upon his arrival and fleeing the scene leaving behind my wallet…which he returned to me after almost drowning me in spit and attempting to throw me out a window. I kept a bottle of peppermint schnapps in my office; I carried a Gatorade bottle full of vodka and a case of bear in my trunk. The smell of course lingered and questions were starting to be asked and once aware of this I did a better job of keeping a low profile.  But it was no secret I like to have a good time and be the life of any party.  Always dapper if seen after work with a wardrobe so big I had to use my trunk after filling a giant walk in closet, driving the finest car my money could buy and outfitting it with a Louis Vuitton interior (100% authentic), and even going as far to having a membership to almost every big name hotel.  I invested well and so with more money came more chaos.  Thinking back now, I have no idea how I survived.  Everyone loved me; I felt it and I knew it.  My entourage began to move from daily drinking and other shenanigans to something a little different.  I was apprehensive at first and often leaving when it was present. 
I hated the thought of even being associated with IT, and wanted nothing to do with the stuff. One night, after returning from a house party and wiping the “bar” out I wandered to a friend’s room and saw his door unlocked.  It wasn’t uncommon for us to hang around one another’s rooms while the respective party was away. After watching a little TV I had to take a piss like no other, I ran to the bathroom and knocked over a candle with a false bottom and there it was. Covered in the shit and drunk off my ass I indulged and I was feeling too good.  Everything was so damn amazing and I felt so alive, I cleaned up the mess and scurried to my room, avoiding any route that would lead to other people.  Once alone I had the strange urge to fuck.  I called over a two women and explained to them what was going on and to my surprise they joined in the festivities.  After an hour of talking and watching their hands caress each other and embrace me, I decided to play a porno…BEST IDEA EVER. We fucked for what seemed like days, every nerve burning to the touch with an almost crippling intensity. I cut through them both like a hot knife through butter. They came and came and came some more, never satisfied but aching and throbbing with pain we continued for what seemed like days.  After the perpetual fuck fest we were still wired and alive.  We had a few drinks and talked a bit and I showed them to the door.  I was now alone and I thought to myself, “that shit was unfucking believable”. I immediately called my buddy for my own supply and he supplied me with enough to last a lifetime, no questions asked.
I rallied the troops which consisted of about five or six gents and told the story, to their amazement and utter disbelief, I unveiled the treasures of my conquest; cum drenched sheets, two pair of panties and several used condoms.  Now, I had always been the filthiest of them all.  Having no limits to my desires, often keeping a pair of panties as a memento, with the owner’s permission of course.  The collection was kept in my closet along with every empty bottle of vodka I had ever had the pleasure of consuming.  This was no secret to anyone who knew me and I was often described as pure filth.  But it was all in good fun, and from that day forward the escapades would take a devastatingly mind altering turn for the worse. This would be repeated over and over again. Sometimes I would get 2 hours of sleep and immediately go out again right after work. Once pulling over because of extreme exhaustion and immense internal pain on the side of the freeway to sleep.  I lived hard and played hard.  Every endeavor more satisfying than the last.  This continued for months. I lied, cheated and alienated even my closest friends. People who loved me and knew there was some good left.  But I turned a blind eye and staggered away drunk and in a euphoric state. I was unstoppable in every sense of the word and bound to hit a wall eventually. We lived like rock stars and became nocturnal, sleeping the day away dreaming of that night. 
I reached my breaking point while looking for gifts to bring to a friend’s baby shower I decided to get my car washed, I happened upon a local carwash featuring a minor league football teams cheerleaders.  I had been drinking a bit and was a flamboyant sweet talker, they immediately fell in love.  Being the business savvy individual I was, I spoke to their manager and convinced him to let me use them for a carwash where my organization would keep the profits, as long as we allowed them to sell their energy drinks for the day of the carwash.  I met each and every one of the ladies and introduced myself and so it was planned.
Two weeks later, we kicked of the carwash.  It was 90 degrees all day and the ladies worked nonstop bringing in $11,000.00 for “us” and selling 30 cases of their energy drink.  It was a success and everyone was happy. I decided we should celebrate and threw a party for them that night.  My intentions were geared towards each and every last one of them (even the one with the C-section scar) to be naked and mine.  Later that night they arrived in their tour bus and it took me 2 hours to get us all wasted.  About 100 people were present, 70 women or so and about 30 guys.  I had a little bit of the good stuff and BAM, I was superman.  I felt like GOD. And I thought I was.  I introduced a couple of them to the product and we wondered off into the heavens.  They were bursting with so much happiness and I loved every moment.  I felt as though I was the puppet master and they were my toys.  As sinister and evil as it sounds I felt no remorse. We began to experience a wave of pleasure.  We left the party and moved to the tour bus. We were all now alone, myself 2 friends, and the 17 of them.  It had begun with a simple body shot of tequila and ended up being a fuck fest. We drank and indulged, and drank and indulged and I began to feel overcome with guilt.
It was so terrible, I became weak.  The room began to spin and I tried to make my way off the bus but it all happened way to fast. I began to sweat and my mouth was dry. My head was throbbing and my stomach was turning inside out.  Through all the music and laughter and talking and random screams I made my way to the tour buses bathroom. I locked the door and I puked almost immediately on the floor. I didn’t give a shit but I knew I had to hide it; I almost had an anxiety attack. I knew I had to calm down before I collapsed so I washed my face in cold water and tried to calm down.  They realized I was gone and began banging on the door calling what they thought was my name.  It was when I heard that fictitious name I realized I needed to pull myself together and get the fuck out of there.  That wasn’t who I was and it was THAT persona that took over. I had to burn it and get myself back. I slowly gathered myself and then I saw myself in the mirror.  I analyzed everything and hated who I had become.  It was like my soul was sucked back inside of me instantly and I had saw a portrait of the monster I had become…the nightmare.  It was ugly, tired, and gaunt.  My hair had begun to grey, my appearance had begun to suffer, and what I knew to be once flawless had become chipped and cracked. The damage was done and I had paid the price.  It hurt me in a way only I could hurt myself, it was reality. I saw what the outsiders saw. I judged myself. With this having been brought the surface I unlocked the door and the music was still blaring. I made my was passed the people as they looked on in awe and went home.  I rejected the console given to me and sought solace in a familiar place. 
As I made my way to my room I heard laughter and it was warm and I followed it.  It was my old group of friends long abandoned by me but never forgotten. We had always remained close even after I began to disappear. I knocked on the door and let myself in and there she was, a woman I had neglected for a long time in search of everything that would soon destroy me. She warned me, and even tried to help me, but I turned her away, yet here she was. She ran to the door and I grabbed her and hugged her so tight I felt her heart beat and I began to cry. She slowly wrapped her arms around me and allowed me to enter.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Why I write

To form my own world and express myself in a literary sense is amazing. I wasn’t given the gift of visual art and I actually envy painters, but I feel as though I can convey my perception of the world uniquely through my form of art. I like to take the reader on a journey through time and space, often revealing things that may be new and intriguing, and maybe shed a little light on a few dark spots in their lives.  I lead a totally unordinary live and I never give two shits about what anyone has to say, but not in a reckless in your face way. There’s a way to live life and a lot of people are afraid to live it. 
Everything I write is true to who I am and what I’ve done.  Nothing is embellished, there’s no need.  I like opening others minds and leaving them with a little bit of myself.  It’s a very deep sense of pride I have in what I do.  If you’ve read some of my other postings, I am purely about the pursuit of happiness and creating individualism, never letting someone or something taint whatever dream one might have. That’s the worst thing ever, when a person so full of talent just lets it slip away.  What some don’t realize is that what they do may inspire someone else to grab hold of their lives and actually influence them.  It only takes one to set the stage for others to follow.  It’s selfish in a way.
I think I’m a fucked up individual, at least my way of thinking is anyway. But even in the bad there’s some good, you just have to read and find what pertains to you. Not everything we do will make everyone happy, at the end of the day, you have to be satisfied with yourself and what you’ve done. Entertain my ideals, you wont be disappointed.

friends and foes

We all have a group of friends in our lives that make up the norm of everyday living. Out of these people lye the naysayers.  They give off a unique negativity that isn’t felt by the rest and in the absence of their own purpose they try and dissuade others from mastering their craft or perfecting their lives.  These people need to be let go because all they do is stunt the growth.   Misery loves company. If you can’t tell even your closest friends your dreams and aspirations without the fear of judgment then perhaps you need to move on.  Find a group of likeminded individuals and flourish. Dismantle the perception of others and live big in your own world.  You only get one life to live and you have to be willing to live with no regrets and a sense of pride in what you’ve done and most of all how you’ve helped lead the people like you into discovering themselves. 
Think about what they have done, if anything, and where they are right here and now. We have the most supreme opportunity to grab hold of life and form it, mold it, shape it, love it, and make it our own.  Bask in the ambiance and its glory, give yourself to the dream. Accomplish everything and never fall, hold the sword high and charge into the unknown, willing to die.  Hear its call, recognize it, want it, will it, force, push, pull, bite, just try. DESTROY ANY ONE WHO STANDS IN ITS WAY. Embrace and indulge in your rewards, for you have earned your keep.  Eat, what you kill and waste nothing, let the naysayers watch and judge, but you will be at peace with yourself. Calm the storm.  Soothe the soul, but the appetite will never die.    
How can we exist if we cannot understand our own existence? Find your own happiness and keep it safe, guard it with your life, because to lose it would be to lose your life. Make the best of every single situation, dismantle it on a sub atomic molecular scale and become it. Once it consumes you only then will you know it and succeed. Happiness is relevant to the current, or so it is thought, but once you control it, it can no longer control you, what is there to pursue if it’s already yours to keep. Break the barriers, build your walls, revolt, start your revolution, live your life. We are today, tomorrow, and forever. Let the lightning strike and subsequently guide you. Welcome the struggle, grin and bear it, show love through hate, trade your fears, for tears of joy. Become the monster, know your beast and tame it. Fuck it, keep bullshitters around just to see how well you’re doing; maybe they’ll learn a thing or two.

mind games

The mind is an amazing playground.  It can be taken anywhere and put through just about everything depending on how well the individual has strengthened it.  Certain people can harbor many personalities based on lies and extensions of their deeper, darker desires while others have the amazing ability to impose what’s in their minds onto weaker individuals.  Some monks are said to be so mentally gifted that they are laid down with soaking wet towels placed over their bodies and after entering a deep trance, are able to heat themselves to the point where the towels on their bodies will emit steam as they become dry. 
The objective of the game of life is to gain as much as you can while still preserving one’s self and maybe even our offspring.  The world is not a nice place and most of us know this to be all too true.  Sometimes we are taken places, mentally, emotionally, and physically that we cannot control.  It’s in these moments, where we are caught off guard, which contributes to our psyche. Once broken down and rebuilt by these events we are forever changed for better or for worse. Those who can’t handle it break down and lose sight of THIS reality and are forced to live in their own.  We call them the crazies.  A rape victim who cannot recover from the acts committed against them is not crazy, simply unable to recover and cope. The individuals who do survive are the forces to be reckoned with.  Once taken to the brink of destruction and uncertainty the mind will change.  The urge to survive is greater, by any means necessary. 
The same is true even with love.  Once the heart is broken the person will recover and hopefully have a greater sense of the situation and be able to come to terms with what has happened and subsequently be able to identify similar situations in the future if not avoid them all together. 
In the realm of business and industry, it is easier for a person who has come from nothing, and worked their way through the ranks to become a success, to lose it all and regain the lost “fortune” simply because they know how to get there with their own ingenuity, will, and determination.  Oppose to the individual who was given the opportunity by way of birth right or by a means where they had to do nothing to gain that position.  Not only will the individual with nothing regain his position, but he will better manage it as well simply because he has seen all aspects of life and will know what the people need and want as consumers. 
This cannot always be true because sometimes the best person to lead may have to be detached from who or what he is leading.  One of my friends is the CEO of an investing firm worth $990 million, and he has told me it is easier to play with other people’s money because he has no emotional attachment to it and admitted that his wife, not him, balances their checkbook because he’s terrible with his own money.  This can be applied to low ranking soldiers and the generals that lead them.   In order to win a battle the general must be ready to lose his men and come to terms with this.  If he is detached it’s easier for him to agree to these terms and see the desired outcome, while a man who was a foot soldier who is now in the lead may sometimes be too compassionate and lose site of the objective at hand.  There is nothing wrong with compassion, but it is in this world a weakness that should only be reserved for the most private settings. 
Having been on the verge of self-destruction myself by way of, drinking, fucking, loving, lusting, and everything that encompasses over indulgence its easier for me to come to terms with the ideals of what makes the mind work and what drives it.  Having voluntarily thrown myself into every extreme and come out “clean” is amazing.  I have found what feeds me so I make sure I get a steady diet of all the right things that keep me going and keep me motivated.  Some of my darkest hours have been brought on by my misdoings and good intentions with bad judgments.  I am my own worst enemy and my mind can handle that. I’m in no way, shape, or form perfect but I liken myself to the word in my own mind and that’s all that matters. If everyone found what makes them tick, and stop whining and crying about whatever injustice has been done to them and use the talents they have and embrace their differences we could all be an unstoppable force in our own right.
What are you bringing to the table of life?  Can we afford to sustain you if you’re taking out more than your putting in, probably not?  But if you take the good, bad, the ugly and make it your own and perpetuate your crafts you will be noticed and take flight beyond your wildest dreams.  The pursuit of happiness.  Bend but never break, lead but never follow, drink never get drunk, smoke but never get high, fuck never get fucked, forgive but never forget.
  No matter what your dream may be and the dark times that may come with pursuing said dream, never forget why you want what you want.  Our gifts are a baby and everything we do to enhance that dream, from working 80 hours a week just to buy art supplies to become the next Vincent van Gogh, all that sacrifice feeds that baby.  Eventually it will grow and be seen and the effort you put into it will be repaid 10 fold. 
Just come to terms with your own demons because if you pretend like they don’t exist, they will eventually take over.  Maintain a constant survival instinct and never get caught with your guard down no matter what the situation.

zebras and horses

I have had the pleasure of being afforded the opportunity to travel and experience many things in my short life.  And from these experiences I hope to convey some sort of message, take what you want from it but just read along and follow if you can relate.  Before I go any deeper I want to underline my way of thinking.  In my group of personal friends, we like to use the term “zebras and horses”.  This is used to explain the dynamic of blending into ones surroundings to obtain a specific goal but never forgetting who or what you truly are and why you came.
The zebra and horse are related and stem from the equidae family in the world of animals.  To me, the zebra is the more uncivilized cousin who has yet to be tamed by man, and the horse is the beautiful spoiled cousin who not only looks good, but has the look we all know and love. 
 For a moment, let’s pretend a group of horses are drinking from a stream, and a zebra decides to join in.  At first glance, the horses reject him based on looks, zebra mannerisms, zebra posture, and so on.  They use everything that makes him a zebra against him.  The zebra stops drinking and strikes a conversation at the stream which grabs the horse’s attention and holds their appeal.  He fills them with everything they want to hear and more and leaves them wanting more; in fact he gets invited to the horse headquarters. 
The zebra humbly accepts the invitation and does indeed attend.  While there he not only eats, drinks, and break bread with his new friends, he has also quasi assimilated himself and in a way, infiltrated there way of life.  They all smoke, and dance, and sing and play.  The zebra shows them how to live life.  He tells stories and jokes, enticing their imprisoned minds, forcing them to wander, while filling them with debauchery. Feeding them the forbidden fruit so to speak.  When all is said and done, the horses are all partied out, the zebra bids them farewell. Which they accept and return the gesture.  He doesn’t over stay his welcome, he doesn’t leave them with any bad impressions, and in fact he leaves with their hearts and minds.  He continuously shows vigor and pride amongst the other beasts and they in turn, favor him.
Leaving a lasting impression on his new friends, he returns to zebra headquarters and to the amazement of some, not all of his friends, he is ok.  Some ask how it was, others ask what was it like, and even a few of his brothers are upset because he left his kind to socialize with the hobnob horses.  None of them realize that what the zebra has done was remain true to himself and great things happened. Never forgetting that he is different, instead using that to sell himself. In a more devious aspect he was now on the inside, able to perpetuate the idea of civility amongst the horses and leave them with nothing.  It was his intellect and zeal that got him in the door and it will be his cunning and corruption that will allow him to leave with everything.  After all, at the end of the day, he is a zebra.
To me, this simply means that sometimes we have to use the gifts we are given to gain a living in a less conventional way.  If the gift you use attracts flies, attract them with shit.  Never be afraid to put on different faces and wear different hats because that’s always going to be a part of life. Are you an untamed, cunning, diabolic zebra, or a naïve and ignorant horse?  Btw, even if the two breed, the offspring will still be striped.