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Saturday, April 7, 2012

Thought Provoking

The Conversation
(Question) Since the only evidence that we have of our own existence is sensory, and it is impossible to trust our senses, does it matter if our existence is real or only perceived?
(Answer) It doesn’t matter because first you need to define “real”. If your mind perceives something it appears to be real to you. If it is not perceived then perhaps it doesn’t exist after all. How do we ever know if what we see is just perceived in our minds or “real”? Our whole existence could be a thought.

(Question) For example, you live on a beautiful tropical island somewhere. You have no worries in the world whatsoever and life is wonderful. Would it matter if you found out that you, your real body, was locked up in some closet strapped to a virtual reality machine giving you a false perception of that life? (Matrix style)
(Answer) You could never find out unless you ended your perceived life because if you were to discover that you were in the virtual reality machine, it would be assumed that you really do exist in an alternate reality. Once that is discovered, than the life that you are living in the machine would end in theory. The whole idea behind the virtual reality machine is to enter an alternate reality with no memory of who you really are.

(Question) What really counts? The real truth of things, or the perception of reality that you have? Would you protest for actual reality if you were strapped in somewhere or go on living a blissful lie?
(Answer) If you are strapped in somewhere, that is your reality. I believe you would want to continue to live out the perceived reality because you can make it what ever you want it to be.

(Question) Would you want the Ultimate Truth or the Ultimate Happiness?
(Answer) I think I would like the Ultimate Truth. I keep searching for answers because I do not believe that our reality is real. I think we all live perceived realities. Now the question is, “Did I just enter your reality, or are you in mine”?

I didnt write this, but i thought it was worth sharing.  For more from this man follow

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Scars of your disease

How can you hurt me, me of all goddamn people. i gave myself completely to you, and asked for nothing in return.  fuck saving face, i abanded everything i worked so hard to build, tore it down brick by fucking brick, and all you have to say to me is sorry.  SORRY. let me help define that for you sweety.

adjective, -ri·er, -ri·est.
feeling regret, compunction, sympathy, pity, etc.: to be sorryto leave one's friends; to be sorry for a remark; to be sorry forsomeone in trouble.
regrettable or deplorable; unfortunate; tragic: a sorrysituation; to come to a sorry end.
sorrowful, grieved, or sad: Was she sorry when her brotherdied?
associated with sorrow; suggestive of grief or suffering;melancholydismal.
wretched, poor, useless, or pitiful: a sorry horse.

well im sorry, ill give you definition number fuckin five. useless, pitiful, garbage, GAHBAGE, throw some jersey at you.  even though im mad at you im even more so pissed at myself. going against everythin i believed, trading the words of beloved friends and trading it for a kiss from a cheap trick. you became my life and i gave mine up.  nuturing you and yours, silently becoming your pawn. I TOLD MY GUT TO SHUT THE FUCK UP EVERY GODDAMN NIGHT, AFTER EVERY KISS, AND EVEN WHILE FUCKING YOU. you know its bad when i have to force my cock to go along with the very deed.  after awhile he got STOCKHOLM SYNDROME.YOU KNOW, THE SHIT THAT HAPPENS WHEN THE VICTEMS OF KIDNAP BEGIN TO LOVE THEIR FUCKIN CAPTORS.  

You gave me hopes of new beginning, feeding me bullshit.  a life with you seeming so alluring.  everything that glitter aint gold, and gold, and the sun dont shine forever, love dont love forever and everything thats new gets old. call me crazy, ive been called worse by better people than you on my knees begging you not to leave, faulting myself. this hard head head definatly made a soft ass. questioning myself mad, you left me alone in the dark to find myself. the silence almost killed me.  every car door that slammed, i anticipated your arrival. like a lost child, better yet a dog whose owner is gone.  a walked from room to room, grieving, the life we built together suddenly gone.  everything that we were came into question. were you ever really WITH ME. or was i a way out for you.  im sorry if my grass wasnt greener, even though you fed me enough bull shit.  im sorry i couldnt always be an angel, if you stick around long enough youll see THE DEVIL .i showed you every face, i gave you a look into the beasts heart.

as ugly as i am on the inside, i can come to terms with that, and i have.  im assuming you couldnt deal with that, and it pushed you away. YOU LET ME IN, AND I ACCEPTED YOU WITH OPEN ARMS. EVERY DEMON, EVERY FAULT, PAST, PRESENT, AND THE FUCKING FUTURE.  

in all honesty, my hatered wants to tell you youre nothing. youre a used abused little skank, no self worth, no sense of reality, naive, lost, confused little girl.  lied TO, tricked, mistreated, little orphan annie without DADDY FUCKIN WARBUCKS, just the hard knock life.  chip on your fucking shoulder, eager to prove the world wrong.  why so eager? you cant erase the past, it makes us who we are. our trials and tribulations mold us, if you can positively keep the outlook. behind those hazel eyes and the carefree attitude, the love i have for you wants to hold the SCARED LITTLE GIRL. reassure her that everything will be alright.  give her the world and everything it has to offer.  sacrifice myself to build you up so YOU can conquer your demons and essentially conquer the world.  

The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it's indifference, hate in and of itself is an emotion, so to hate means you still care.  

AT THE END OF THE DAY, OUR ORDEAL HELPED ME GROW, IT STRIPPED AWAY MY EXTIOR AND TURNED MY INSIDES OUT. THE BLEEDING ON MY SHOULDER FOR ALL THE WORLD TO SEE.  THANK YOU.  AFTER ALL THE ShIT IVE DONE TO PEOPLE, FEELING LIKE A MONSTER, YOU SHOWED ME I CAN STILL CARE AND I THANK YOU.  THE BELLE TO MY BEAST. im such a fuckin optimistic fuck.  but i proved you all wrong, i lived to tell the story of the cunt that did me dirty.  fuck yourself, your the only worthy of your disease.  It feels so damn good to get this out and out of happy i took this shit.   

Funny Papers

Yes...some of us still buy newspapers...even if it is just for the comic strip.